Question: Where was the Eden Garden?


Because of the references to the four Rivers, especially the Euphrates, (Gen. 2:10–14); and as those Rivers have their head/source in the Country now called Turkey; the likely position is between Turkey and Modern day Syria/ Iraq.

A general/loose positioning would be ancient “Mesopotamia”; i.e. (Babylonia)!

It is interesting to see in the Old Testament that Babylon became the central point of all Satan’s attempts to usurp Almighty God, and is still the case in recent history!

Most/many, if not all of the major pagan religions were started and spread worldwide via the main trade routes which converged on the Middle East area, linked to Babylon!

When the City of Babylon was destroyed, and never rebuilt (as per prophecy); the priesthood removed to Pergamum, when Babylon was conquered in 539 BC. The authority of this priesthood was then inherited by Rome when Attalus III willed the kingdom to Rome in the second century BC. (Brent Winters').


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